Tuesday, March 07, 2006

USA TODAY: 24th District Competitive?

Here's heartening news from USA Today:

It looks like the rest of America is finally starting to see what we here district have perceived for a while now: New York State's 24th District is becoming a competitive race:

"Other retirements are possible. Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, R-N.Y., who loses his post as House Science Committee chairman at the end of the year, has said he'll announce his re-election plans this month. His district may be competitive."

In political-pundit-speak, "competitive" means that the seat is up for grabs. Earlier, national analysts have put the nix on any kind of talk that the Democrats could take back the 24th District.

We're proving them wrong. This is the year. Let's keep up the effort. They say it's competitive, so let's compete!

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