Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Take Back the 24th!

Welcome to Take Back the 24th!

This blog is dedicated to the effort to take back New York State's 24th Congressional District from the Republicans, who have neglected our part of central New York State for too long.

Take a look at the record of Republican Congressman Sherwood Boehlert, and you'll see that he just doesn't represent the values of New York State anymore. As other New York bloggers have pointed out before me, Sherwood Boehlert has a terrible record of siding with the right wing of the Republican Party, especially since George W. Bush took the White House in 2000.

Congressman Boehlert adds to the problem of the culture of corruption when he votes alongside Tom DeLay as part of the same political agenda. Some people say that the citizens of New York State's 24th Congressional District should just learn to put up with this kind of nonsense.

I say we can do better.

I say that we must do better than Sherwood Boehlert.

The time is over when we can accept Boehlert's excuses for failure.

The time has come to take back New York's 24th!

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